Tubulins are a group of conserved globular proteins which carry out essential functions in eukaryotes. The tubulin superfamily contains six families of related proteins that arose from a single ancestral protein. All tubulins have a characteristic GTP binding domain.

This resource aims to exhaustively index granular information to relate model organism data to clinical findings of pathogenic variants and to guide hypotheses and experiments to key residues associated with tubulin function. To access individual data tables, click on hyperlinks for mutations, modifications, or interactions, as well as intersections tables that map potential data convergences.


  • The original missense mutation resource was published in:
    Pham, CL, Morrissette, NS. The tubulin mutation database: A resource for the cytoskeleton community. Cytoskeleton. 2019; 76: 186-191. https://doi.org/10.1002/cm.21514
  • The expanded tubulin resource is described in:
    Abbaali I, Truong D, Day SD, Mushayeed F, Ganesh B, Haro-Ramirez N, Isles J, Nag H, Pham C, Shah P, Tomar I, Manel-Romero C, Morrissette NS. The tubulin database: Linking mutations, modifications, ligands and local interactions. PLoS One. 2023 Dec 8;18(12):e0295279. https://journals.plos.org/plosone/article?id=10.1371/journal.pone.0295279

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